The Flying Bulls  -  B-25J Mitchell  (N6123C)
The Flying Bulls  -  B-25J Mitchell  (N6123C) By Miklós Jásdi (jmiki8)
Kereskedelmi repülőgépek 1. - Szabó Miklós
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Photo ID: 13124
Views: 35
Operator: The Flying Bulls
Registration: N6123C
Aircraft: North American - B-25J Mitchell
Airport: Hungary - Off Airport - Budapest, Downtown 
Category: Warbirds (WW2 and before)
Photo taken on May 1, 2015 by Miklós Jásdi (jmiki8)
Contact Miklós Jásdi 
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B-25J of the Flying Bulls passing over the Danube, on 1st of May.

